How To Choose A Function Venue

Choosing a function venues Lake Macquarie for an event is not easy. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, a fund raiser or a corporate event. It can be tough and overwhelming.  You have the pressure to perform and make sure there are no shortcomings in the event. After all how would it feel like if your precious wedding anniversary got ruined or having to face your boss in face of a failed corporate event. There are several important factors to consider and careful thought should be given to each factor. I will provide you with some guideline’s on what important factors are there that you should consider when choosing a function venue in order to make your event a success.


Choosing a venue earlier


First things first, determine when you need the venue. When it comes to good venues you must book a month or two in advance and there are waiting lists. Consider the date of your event and plan accordingly. If you want to book two months in advance then start looking for a venue two months earlier.


The location


The location is a critical part of the function venue. You need to answer the question, what sort of guests do you expect? If say your event is a fundraiser catering to high class individuals then you might need a premium and upscale location. If most of your guests are arriving from abroad then a location near the airport would be suitable.






Function venues have their capacity which is the number of people they can hold in. You can expect to fit four hundred attendees in a two hundred limit capacity. Also consider the food and beverages minimums you will need. The management can guide on this but do remember to look at reviews to see whether the management met the minimums in past events. Also if your venue does not provide catering services then they most probably have a partnership with one. Do remember to look up on their catering partner.


The layout


The layout can be critical because the layout should be determined according to the planned activities at the event. For instance if there will be a speaker session then a stage will be required.


The interior


What sort of ambiance is there and what do you require? The ambiance required for a corporate event is far different from an ambiance required for a birthday party. The ambiance the venue gives out should suit your event. Go right here to find out more details.


The insurance


Some venues require that you have insurance so plan this in advance and if you don’t want to get insurance then choose the venue accordingly.


How accessible is the venue


By accessible I mean how accessible it is to everyone including the disabled. If you happen to have disabled persons at your event then you should make sure the venue caters to them. It provides easy access and facilities.


Do keep the above factors in mind to make your event a success and not disappoint anyone.